New ESS Rule has commenced
Summary of main changes
After a period of transitional arrangements the new ESS Rule fully came into effect on 1 October 2014. All projects that are processed will now need to meet the post 1 July 2014 requirements. There are general requirements that apply to all activities, and also Commercial Lighting Formula- specific requirements.
General requirements that apply to all activities
- A signed Nomination Form is to be obtained prior to the completion of a project
- ACPs can only create ESCs for projects that are implemented after an accreditation has been obtained
- The Original Energy Saver (End-User) is the person who pays for the energy efficiency upgrade, and who has ongoing benefits related to this upgrade (Under the old Rule the End User was the entity that is responsible to pay the electricity bill at the implementation address)
Commercial Lighting Formula Specific Requirements:
- The Evidence Pack has replaced the original Document Pack. In addition, a separate Nomination form is to be completed
- Demand Manager has prepared Instruction Packs for its customers providing further guidance about the latest documentation requirements
- It is no longer possible to seek approval for extended operating hours. Instead, default hours of operation apply depending on the space type of an area and/or the BCA building classification
- All projects need to be implemented or supervised by a licensed electrician including those that do not involve re-wiring (lamp only upgrades)
- In addition to light levels glare, uniformity, colour rendering index and colour temperature need to be considered when designing/implementing a lighting upgrade
- Each space type in which lights are upgraded need to show compliance with the Illumination Power Density (W/m2) guidelines of the BCA. Supporting calculations are to be provided
- Photos are to be date stamped and need to include geotag data (geographical coordinates) in the metadata
- A minimum $5 co-contribution per MWh (roughly 1 ESC) is required from End-Users as evidenced through a tax invoice or sales ledger
- The maximum wattage that can be claimed for existing 50W downlights is 35W
- Applications for Emerging Lighting Technologies are subject to more stringent performance requirements including power factor and lifetime tests
Feel free to contact the Demand Manager Team at any time should you require further guidance.