South Australia’s Retailer Energy Productivity Scheme (REPS) commenced on 1 January 2021, replacing the Retailer Energy Efficiency Scheme (REES).
Businesses and households interested in rebates for energy efficient lighting installations, or lighting retailers looking to tap into rebates for their products, can access the REPS to help defray some or all of the project costs.
How can Demand Manager help?
For more information, contact our Adelaide office:
PO Box 254 Fulham Gardens SA 5024
08 8355 2456
0425 428 992
Demand Manager helps organisations to realise energy and water savings by bringing finance to clean energy projects.
Office: Suite 1, Level 7, 12-14 O’Connell Street Sydney
PO Box: Q1251 QVB Post Office NSW 1230
Phone: +61 2 9279 4704
Fax: +61 2 8076 7460